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Daily Bread: 28 mai 2012

Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de Charys!
Gandul zilei:

Frumusetea a fost ideea lui Dumnezeu!

 Meditatia zilei:
Peste tot in jurul nostru vedem frumusete, daca stim cum sa ne uitam la ceea ce ne inconjoara.
Frumusetea a fost ideea lui Dumnezeu, atat in exterior cat si in interior! Dar pacatul a pervertit chipul lui Dumnezeu care se reflecta in noi.
Auzi peste tot: offf cum imi sta parul; vai ce nas am; oare de ce sunt bruneta si nu blonda, de ce creata si nu cu parul drept; de ce ochi caprui si nu albastri... Hai sa admitem, ca pentru anumite ”defecte” exista solutii care sa nu atenteze la ceea ce a lasat Dumnezeu pentru fiecare din noi... Dar ce te faci cand realizezi cata uratenie exista in interior? Cum repari daunele lasate de droguri, de alcool, de promiscuitate...de o dieta nesanatoasa? Ce te faci cand simti ca nu mai ti-a ramas nimic frumos?
Iti aduci aminte a cui a fost ideea frumusetii si poate ajungi la concluzia ca frumusetea exista in noi si poate fi restaurata de Cel care a inventat-o... Trebuie doar sa ceri acest lucru...
Fara rusine... Dumnezeu iti cunoaste drumurile si gandurile, stie unde-ai fost, dar Ii pasa mai mult de locul spre care te indrepti.

Dumnezeu ne-a facut frumosi ... Si sa nu uitam asta!!!

Melodia zilei:
Jacob Thomas - I Made You Beautiful
It’s too hard to see the sun
Under this cloud of things I’ve said and done
Starting to frighten myself
Is this really me or am I someone else
Jesus I need You tonight

Child I’m right by your side
But Lord You don’t know where I’ve been
Child I know every fault every sin
Then how can You still love me now
I‘m so broken and ugly and filled with self doubt
Child my love knows no end
I care where youre going not where you’ve been

‘Cause I made you beautiful and I made you kind
And I gave you a heart so  you’d seek after mine’
And I died on the cross so that someday you’d live
And if you’re the only I’d do it again
‘Cause you’re beautiful
I made you beautiful
You are so beautiful

Jesus teach me how to be more like You I’m tired of being like me
Child surrender your heart
Jesus it’s Yours’take it break it apart
Just promise You won’t let me go
Child I’ll never let go

‘Cause I made you beautiful and I made you kind
And I gave you a heart so  you’d seek after mine’
And I died on the cross so that someday you’d live
And if you’re the only I’d do it again
‘Cause you’re beautiful
I made you beautiful
You are so beautiful

Thank You Jesus I finally see
I‘m beautiful because You created me

Rugaciunea zilei:
Tata, multumesc pentru frumusetea care ai pus-o in noi! Ajuta-ne sa o apreciem si sa o pastram intacta!


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