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Daily Bread: 16 mai 2012

Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de Kostinush!
Gandul zilei:
„ Apostolii n-au fost decupati din stofa teologica si nici n-au fost hraniti cu lapte supranatural. Ei erau pur si simplu putin mai devotati decât înspaimântati, si ca rezultat, au înfaptuit lucruri uimitoare.”
Max Lucado

Meditatia zilei:
 Ne uitam in jurul nostru zi de zi si nu numai ne uitam si traim vremuri grele nu-i asa ?.....Strigam...ne plangem cat este de greu...cat e de grea viata zi de zi ...ceas de ceas ..secunda de secunda ...nori negri planeaza zi de zi asupra sufletelor noastre ..mintilor noastre....inimilor noastre si recunoastem zi de zi aceasta negura asupra noastra cat e de puternica si cum isi face vrerea ei fara a putea face nimic.
Si dintr-o data parca imi vine sa strig...."HEI STAI PUTIN....OARE E CIHIAR ASA ?!!" Oare asa trebuie sa traiesc asa trebuie sa ma simt si sa simt lucrurile din viata mea ? ...Oare nu ma insala cineva sa traiesc asa in frica ,temere,durere toate zilele mele ....?
Cine sunt eu ....nu sunt cumva mostenitorul unei IMPARATII care imi da dreptul si autoritatea sa traiesc altfel ...asa cum ar trebui ...LIBER.....!!!!
Cat mai traiesti in minciuna cu viata ta divizata de idei ..sisteme ....ganduri de tot felul si nu mai sti cine esti si ce autoritate ai ...asupra acestor stari ...acestor schelete pe care le pastrezi si le pastrez asa de bine in dulapul vietii noastre .
DUMNEZEU TATAL vrea sa imi dea o imparatie m-a facut COPILUL LUI ..deci am autoritatea unui rege a unei regine ...asura vietii mele ...STII TU CINE ESTI? SI CE PUTERE ZACE IN TINE ?
Cum am putea sa imparatim si sa conducem regate, asa scrie in BIBLIE ....daca aici nu pot imparati asupra vietii mele?
CUM VOI APUCA VESNICIA? Cu frica ,temere,deznadejde?..fara a sti cine sunt?
Ti s-a dat un NUME ,O MOSTENIRE ...e timpul sa ne purtam cu autoritatea care ni se cuvine ....e timpul sa nu ne mai aplecam sub minciunile care ni se soptesc la ureche si care au pus stapanire pe vietile noastre ,i ne-au legat cu lanturi atat de grele ...Am pierdut controlul vietilor noastre, e timpul sa punem stapanire pe ceea ce ne apartine de drept.
Esti gata?

Melodia zilei:
Thousand Foot Crutch - Fly On The Wall
The other night
I had a dream
There was a world full of kings and queens
But it was cold
Dark as the night
We were the fire on the moonlit skies.

We weren't divided
We were the same
And we were free
But we all wore chains
We couldn't see it
But we created
A place between truth and overrated.

If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened,
I haven't seen you before?

I'm on the run from a thief
I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout:

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it!

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe.

We had a plan to build a wall
A great divide that would never fall
To separate us
From all the pain
And keep our skeletons locked away.

And brick by brick
We built it so thick
That it blacked out the sky and all the sunlight
And one by one
We all became numb
We were making the bullets to a broken gun.

If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened
And I haven't seen you before?

I'm on the run from a thief
I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout:

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it.

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe.

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it!

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe ...

Rugaciunea zilei:
TATA ...suntem copiii TAI, mostenitorii TAI, nu ne mai lasa sa credem niste minciuni care aduc nori negri asupra vietii noastre...iti multumesc ca TU dai autoritatea Ta in vietile noastre ...ajuta-ne sa punem in valoare aceasta autoritate ....si sa traim in lumina,acea lumina care da libertate. AMIN

Multumim Kostinush pentru slujire!

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